Moses is amazing! If you are not familiar with his story, I encourage you to meet this amazing man over many cups of coffee and several days. If you are familiar with his story, read it with fresh eyes asking God for new revelation.
The more I learn about Moses, the more I see a prophetic picture of Jesus through him. The most important reason, Moses repeatedly interceded on behalf of the rebellious and ungrateful Israelites acting as their savior. Deuteronomy 9:25 is one instance where Moses describes how he intercedes to save them from destruction. Jesus acted as our intercessor while he lived with us on earth and continues to intercede at the right hand of the Father after love compelled him to the cross to die for our sins. Jesus saved us from eternal destruction separated from God forever.
Moses delivered the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage equipped with the authority and anointing of God. Jesus was sent to set the captive free and continues to deliver us from evil.
Along with similarities are differences between Moses and Jesus. Visit my blog to stay tuned for more. I can’t go today without saying, the most important difference between Moses and Jesus is: Moses is dead and Jesus is alive! Jesus loves you today and speaks to those who trust Him. If you have never met Jesus, I encourage you to many cups of coffee for the rest of your life with the man of your dreams and the one who died for you.
God Bless you!