For those of you not familiar with Proverbs 31 Ministries, let me introduce you. They have an awesome online daily devotion and today's devotion inspired me to leave a comment. Read today's devotion titled Honestly by Lysa Terkeurst, President of Proverbs 31 Ministries and fearless leader to many great ladies on the Proverbs 31 team. I discovered these women to be gracious and giving with the servant heart of Jesus. Please visit their website and today's devotion by clicking here.
I have also copied my comment below which gives a glimpse of my own tale of honestly, related to Lysa's devotion.
Thank you for your honesty, transparency and courage to post your own spiritual and physical struggles. For several years, I experienced the roller coaster weight problems and spiritual convictions associated with food addiction. There, I said it - addiction. Some food, like ooyey, gooyey brownies and warm chocolate chip cookies call my name and compel me to eat them, until they are gone. I'm going to eat them anyway, why not get it over with a little quicker.
Today, by the Grace of God, I am back on track. However, with every meal, I need to make a decision and when wise choices prevail, I praise the Lord. Yesterday, my children and I ate at Moe's (welcome to Moe's!). My daughter ordered a kid's meal which came with a cookie. My son, who didn't get the kid's meal, was not happy and cried big tears to guilt his sister into sharing. After hearing his repeated pleas for that cookie, I decided to let my daughter enjoy her cookie all by herself while my son and I watched. Cruel, some would say, but I told my son - who also derives much pleasure from food at 7 years old - it is good for our character to resist the urge to eat every sweet which looks good. I am happy to say, my son and I both survived without eating the cookie and my daughter enjoyed the entire portion.
Another recent victory came when a plate of chips were placed smack dab in front of my face during an entire meal with friends. I, without guilt, enjoyed 3 or 4 chips then was able to say, "no more and you wimpy chips have no power over me!"
I will revel in the victories my Good Lord gives me until I stand on top of a mountain of victories and look down upon the valley of chips, brownies, and donuts which I willingly denied through the power of Christ!
God Bless You Lysa,
Theresa Anderson
Enjoy your blog!
Keep blogging and thanks for the P31 devotional link.
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