Friday, January 23, 2009


Occasionally, I tell my son, "Chill out, dude." I am attempting to accomplish two things with this comment. One is to lighten up an intense moment. Second, I want to get my point across that it is time to end the drama.
Occassionally, I also need to listen to the instruction I give my son. God often shows me, through my son, the character improvements I need to make. For instance, if my son has trouble with obedience, interesting enough, I also have obedience issues. So it seems, this particular day, God taught me to chill out.
One morning as I backed out of the garage, I heard a noise. It wasn't a loud noise but an unfamiliar one. I noticed it but didn't think much of it. I arrived at my destination, got out of my car, stepped onto the curb, and noticed something out of the corner of my eye. When I turned to look, I noticed a tennis racket sticking out of the grill of my van. Yes, that's right, a tennis racket sticking straight out of my van like it had a tennis match on my short drive to the gym. I laughed out loud as I tugged on the tennis racket to dislodge it from the jaws of my van.
In the past, I might have rolled my eyes and grumbled some inaudible complaint about my kids leaving their toys out. As I thought about how the tennis racket could have gotten there, I remembered my husband pulled the van into the garage the previous evening. He evidently had pulled the van in too far and drove right into our children's sports box. In the past, I might have grumbled some inaudible complaint about the driving and parking incompetence of my husband. However, this time I got a good laugh at the expense of my husband. Bless his heart!
This event was a comical yet apparently insignificant moment in time. However, this was a breakthrough for me. I had officially chilled out! I had taken one of life's mishaps and enjoyed the humor of it rather than get cranky.
If such a breakthrough can happen to me, it can happen to you. What has God shown you that needs improving? Do you need to chill out or do you have other issues? God is in the restoration business and He can restore your humor, innocence, purity, health, reputation, joy, etc. Listen to Him, obey Him, and let Him restore your life.

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