Monday, April 13, 2009


Don’t you love the look and feel of your vehicle after it has been freshly washed? I recently gave my van a good washing after several weeks of exposure to the outside elements had left it grimy and covered with pollen. The inside littered with forgotten or unwanted scraps of paper. The seats sprinkled with crumbs from snacks and the carpet covered with dirt from the bottom of shoes. It was long overdue for a thorough cleaning inside and out.
After being exposed to the elements of this world, do you ever feel like a good cleaning? Our souls and heart can become a trash dump from the environment which surrounds us. For instance, television shows can leave images in our mind and affect our thoughts. Songs we listen to and sing along with cause us to meditate upon questionable lyrics. Troubling conversations with others can affect our mood throughout the day.
Are you skeptical these situations affect you in a negative way? With the struggling economy, I have been watching the news more than usual. Reports can be contradicting depending on the channel you watch and tuning in consistently can become depressing. We need to be aware of the issues in our world without clinging to the gloom anchors and analysts forecast. God’s Word is the truth to which we should cling. Matthew 6:22 tells us the eye is the lamp to the body and if the eyes are good, the body is full of light. Therefore, let us fill our eyes and thoughts and words with goodness inspired by time spent with God, not inspired by societal influences.
This week, be aware of the outlets which influence you. How much time do you spend watching television with negative images and concepts? Do the songs you sing carry positive lyrics? Is your conversation wholesome and encouraging? While you become aware of the surrounding environment which influences you, I encourage you to spend time with God and His Word. Let your soul and mind receive a good washing in His presence and feel your spirits soar with a renewed hope and outlook as the grime from negative influences is washed away.
God Bless you this week!


Bridget said...

This is a great reminder for me...I can be a national news junkie. I like your new bio pic too!

Theresa Anderson said...

Thanks Bridget!

Julie Gillies said...

Hi Theresa,

So true! I'm reminded of the children's song, "Oh be careful little eyes what you see..."

When I watch the news I pray the entire time - there's certainly plenty to pray about these days!

Have a blessed week.

Susan Schulz said...

Hey Theresa, Love your blog. I used to consider myself on optimist, but lately my negative side is coming out. Thanks for the reminder to catch yourself before you absorb all of the garbage the world dishes out. Thanks for commenting on my blog, too. See you on Wed. :)