Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rescue Gone Awry!

After telling every sordid detail of my story to my husband, he said, "That's funny, you need to use that story sometime."
I replied emphatically, "That is not funny; it's disheartening. Why did I go to all the trouble for nothing?"
Adding fuel to the fire, my husband continued, "That will teach you to steal a spider's dinner."

This is what happened: earlier in the afternoon this same day, I found a monarch moth caught in a spiderweb on a window in my garage. My rescue heart leaped to free the frantically flapping winged insect from the evil grips of a spider who already had too much to eat - obvious by the looks of his messy web littered with remnants from several previous meals.

I freed the moth from the sticky jaws of death and with amazing patience I often lack, held him between my fingers as I removed the remaining strings of silk from his fragile limbs.

With curiosity, my children watched over my shoulder as I performed this delicate procedure asking questions such as, "What are you doing, mommy?" and "Will it bite, mommy?"

I laid the newly liberated moth onto the sidewalk to recover from the shock of his experience and promptly forgot about him until sundown. Curious if he survived to fly away, I returned to the sidewalk and discovered the answer when I heard the 'crunch' sound under my shoe. EW! Ironically, my little buddy had met his demise by the foot of the one who saved him - ME!.

The moral of this story? I don't know, but I always like to have one. My husband would say, "Don't steal a spider's food." What do you say? Send your comments with your moral to my story.
Blessings to you and may your attempts of rescue be more successful than my own :)

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