Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Is it just me or is anyone else tempted? I was Christmas shopping alone recently and noticed the sale prices at every store I visited. Prices are slashed in half so stores can make money and move merchandise during this tough economic time. Every year, I look forward to the after Christmas sales when I can purchase items at a fraction of the original price. However, this year I'm not sure anything is going to be left over after the holidays with stores slashing prices now.
Prices were so low I was tempted to purchase more for myself than as gifts, and I was tempted to purchase items I didn't want or need. I have a red-tag radar built into my soul that beeps when I see a red sale tag. This left me in quite a quandry because my husband and I are in debt and currently following the baby steps of Financial Peace with Dave Ramsey. We have committed to be debt free and sale prices, regardless of how low they go, can sabotage our financial freedom plan.
With student loans, business loans, and personal debt my husband and I have been in debt so long it is hard to imagine life any other way. So, as I walked through Kohl's I wondered how I might feel different when I have the freedom to spend and that particular temptation has no hold over me. A familiar verse of scripture came to mind but with a new meaning to me. In John 13:12, Jesus says, "Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him."
What this scripture speaks to me regarding my personal financial situation is that those who have money will be given more and those who have little, even what they do have will be taken away. I heard Rush Limbaugh say and I believe it's true that this nation's prosperity is not genuine, it's borrowed. American's who have been financially responsible through the years by saving, giving, and living below their means are acquiring wealth and have been able to weather the storm of this economic crisis. Therefore, they already 'have' and are obtaining more in some cases because they have a strong financial house. However, most american's who save little, and give little, and spend more than they make, what little they have will be taken. Their cars will be repossessed and homes foreclosed with hurt pride and feelings of shame.
What I have learned through our financial journey is that it is never too late to surrender your finances to Jesus and start making wise financial decisions. You or your situation is never too far gone. God is faithful and will reward your actions when done in obedience to His Word and His Ways.
I vividly remember the moment my husband and I drew a line in the sand and said no more to debt. We owed taxes but didn't have the money to pay the bill. Rather than borrow the money to pay on time, we chose to wait and pay when we actually had the money. Consequently, we were penalized with a late fee of several hundred dollars. The government takes their due dates seriously! Since that pivotal moment, my husband and I have tried to be faithful and obedient steward's of God's money. God is the owner of all things and we are managers. If He can trust us to do the right thing with the money He provides us, I believe He will provide more. However, having more is not merely for our entertainment or to satisfy our temptations. Having financial abundance is a tool He uses to fulfill His purposes. Will you join me on the debt-free journey this new year?
I pray God blesses you with financial and spiritual abundance. I pray He will teach you and equip you to receive more of His blessings because you are faithful to Him and His Word. I pray you hold strong against the temptation to spend for the sake of spending and that you obey the Kingdom principles of saving, spending and giving.
God Bless You

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